Anatoly fomenko biography of mahatma gandhi

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko was born on March 13th, in Donetsk.

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  • Soon in together with his family he moved on the Far East to Magadan, where he went to school. Then in family of Fomenko moved to Lugansk and Anatoly went to school №26, which he finished with a gold medal. Being a pupil, he was interested in mathematics and biology, in and got 3 bronze medals of VDNKh (Exhibition of Economic Achievements), was the winner of All-Soviet Union distance Academic Olympics on mathematics.

    All-Soviet Union children newspaper «Pioneer Pravda» in (№ ) and in (№№ 1–2, 4–6) published his fantastic story «Miracle of the Milky Way» about a space travel to year.

    Biography of mahatma gandhi death Integration of Hamiltonian system of differential equations. This chapter, titled "Knowing Gandhi," explores Gandhi's biography, philosophy, and contributions to India's war for freedom. Mathematical work [ edit ]. Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko was born on March 13th, in Donetsk.

    The father of Anatoly Timofeevich, Timofey Grigorievich (–), is from Zaporozhye Cossacks, a talented engineer in coal mining and ore mining fields, candidate of technical sciences (), author of 15 monographs, scientific articles, several detective novels, worked in Donetsk, Magadan, then in Lugansk institute «UkrSRIcoalwashing».

    Mother — Valentina Polikarpovna Markova (), married Timofey Grigorievich at the end of in occupied by Germans Donetsk. She has philological education, worked as teacher of Russian language and literature, she was fond of drawing and it became a hobby of her son too. The parents of Anatoly Timofeevich supported him in his new chronology work, and were his co-authors in and
    (Memories of V.P.

    Fomenko >>, T.G. Fomenko "At the foot" >>)

    A.T Fomenko's parents:

    A wife, Tatiana Nikolaevna (Schelokova), was born in Frunze, mathematician, studied in Voronezh State University, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor of the department of general mathematics of the faculty of numerical mathematics and cybernetics of the MSU, the author of mathematical books and co-author of several chronological books of Anatoly Timofeevich.
    In – Anatoly Timofeevich studied at the mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU first under scientific supervision of a famous mechanic Valentin Vitalievich Rumyantsev (academician of the RAS, head of the department of theoretical mechanics of mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU), on the 4th course he moved to mathematical department, where he became a student of an outstanding Soviet geometrician, professor Petr Konstantinovich Rashevskiy (head of the department of differential geometry of the mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU).

    Anatoly fomenko biography of mahatma gandhi in english The world was plunged into sorrow on 30 January , when Mahatma Gandhi, the revered father of the Indian nation, met his tragic end. Prominent leaders like Rajendra Prasad and Anugraha Narayan Sinha joined him to advocate for the rights of indigo farmers. Being a pupil, he was interested in mathematics and biology, in and got 3 bronze medals of VDNKh Exhibition of Economic Achievements , was the winner of All-Soviet Union distance Academic Olympics on mathematics. Wikimedia Commons Wikidata item.

    Being a student of the 5th course, Anatoly Fomenko became a co-author of the book «Homotopic topology » (the first part was written together with V.L. Gutenmakher, the second — with D. B. Fuks). Anatoly Timofeevich — the author of illustrations in this book, which is a scientific rarity.

    The book was translated in in Budapest into English and in into Japanese in Tokyo.
    After graduation from the postgraduate study since o worked at the department of differential geometry of mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU. In the same he defended his Ph.D.

    Anatoly fomenko biography of mahatma gandhi for kids Mahatma Gandhi accepted the truce offered by Irwin and called off the civil disobedience movement and accepted to attend the second-round table conference in London as the representative of INC. New Chronology. However, amid this respect and universal acclaim, Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist for strongly opposing his policy of religious tolerance on 30 January Rani Velu Nachiyar Biography

    thesis on the topic:
    «Classification of totally geodesic manifolds, realizing nontrivial cycles in Riemannian homogeneous spaces», and in — Doctoral thesis on the topic «Solution of multidimensional Plateau problem on the Riemannian manifolds» (speciality — «Differential geometry, topology, calculus of variations»).

    In he became a professor of the department of higher geometry and topology, and in — the head of the department of differential geometry and applications.
    o is an award winner of the prize of Moscow mathematical society (), prize in mathematics of the Presidium of the AS of the USSR (), award winner of the State Prize (in the field of mathematics) of the Russian Federation ().

    On December 15, Anatoly Timofeevich was chosen a corresponding member of the AS of the USSR at the Department of Mathematics.

    Anatoly fomenko biography of mahatma gandhi Together with colleagues A. In at Ahmedabad, he established Sabarmati Ashram so that his followers could practice truth and nonviolence. The parents of Anatoly Timofeevich supported him in his new chronology work, and were his co-authors in and At the time of World War I , Gandhi sought cooperation from the Muslims in his fight against the British by supporting the Ottoman Empire which had been defeated in the world war.

    In he was chosen an actual member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), in he was chosen an actual member of the Academy of Science of the Higher School, on March 31, he was chosen an actual member (academician) of the RAS. In March he was chosen an actual member of the ATS RF (Academy of Technological Sciences of RF).

    Main directions of scientific research

    o — is the author of more than scientific publications and 30 mathematical books in the following fields:

    • Variational methods in differential geometry and topology, the theory of minimal surfaces and the Plateau problem.

    • Harmonic mappings.
    • Integration of Hamiltonian system of differential equations.
    • Integrable equations on the Lie groups and Lie algebras in mathematical physics.
    • Theory of invariants of differential equations.
    • Creation of the theory of new topological classification of integrable dynamical systems.
    • Variational methods in differential geometry and topology, the theory of minimal surfaces and the problem of table land.
    • Harmonic mapping
    • Integration of Hamilton systems of differential equations Integrated equations on the groups and algebras of Lee in mathematical physics
    • Theory of invariants of differential equations
    • Creation of the theory of new topological classification of integrable dynamical systems Computer geometry, algorithmic methods in topology.
    • Computers in three dimensional topology and geometry
    • Empirical–statistical methods of research of historical texts.
    • The problem of recognition of dependent historical texts, new statistical methods of dating
    • Applications of natural science methods to chronology of ancient and medieval history

    Together with colleagues o created and proved the principal ideas of New Chronology — a natural science theory, insisting, that traditional chronology of historical events before the XVII century AD inclusively is in its bigger part not correct, and proposing a version of its improvement (so called «Reconstruction»).

    New Chronology is not accepted by modern academic society of historians as a scientific discipline, and research in this field meet aggressive counter force from the side of conservative majority of humanitarians.