Leila buffett biography
Leila (Stahl) Buffet ( - )
LeilaBuffet formerly Stahl
Daughter of John Ammon Stahl and Stella Frances Barber
Sister of Edith (Stahl) Kraft
Wife of Howard Homan Buffett — married 26 Dec [location unknown]
Mother of Doris Eleanor Buffett and Warren Buffett
Died at age 92 [location unknown]
Profile last modified | Created 30 Aug
This page has been accessed 6, times.
Married 26 December to Howard Homan Buffett
Excerpt- A Commemorative Biographical History of Central Pennsylvania
S. STAHL, a prominent representative of the agricultural interests of Union township, Snyder county, belongs to an old and honored family of Swiss extraction which was founded here previous to the nineteenth century.
His great-grandfather, Frederick Stahl, was a native of Switzerland, and previous to coming to Snyder county lived for a time near Hummels- town, Penn.
Here he located near Freeburg, in Washington township, where his death occurred. He was married in this country, and became the father of three sons: Adam, the grandfather of our subject; Peter, who went to Wayne county, Ohio, during pioneer days; and Frederick, of whom nothing is known.
Adam Stahl was born June 30, , and was but a boy when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Snyder county, where he sub- sequently married Eve Susanna Albright, who was born May 10, Her father, Frederick Albright, was one of the very earliest settlers of Flintstone Valley, where he located several years previous to S, as a warrant for land was issued to him November 27 of that year.
His farm, comprising 1 y> acres in Washington town- ship, Snyder county, was called "Garter Snak On September 22, 1S00, Adam Stahl purchased of his father-in-law sixty-two acres of the "Gar- ter Snake " tract, where he continued to live until and upon the place conducted a dis- tillery, being one of twelve in Washington town- ship at that time engaged in -that business.
On leaving that farm he removed to Union township,
!er count)', where he passed his remaii days, dying October 16, His wife had died on the 3d of April, of the same year, and both were laid to rest in Reiser cemetery. Union township. He was a powerful man, weighing about pounds, was a shoemaker by trade, a Whig in politics, and a Lutheran in religious belief.
The children of Adam Stahl and wife were as follows: Lydia, who married Jacob Sholly, and died in Union township; Frederick, a farmer.
who died in Monroe township, Snyder county; Jacob, who died in Wayne county, Ohio; Peter, who died at the age of five years; Mary, who (first) wedded Henry Whitmer and (laten Simon Sholly, and survived both husbands, dying in Unii 'ii township; Susanna married Jacob Leaven- good, ami spent her last days in Ohio; John, the fathei 1 ur subject; Daniel, the only survivor, who is still living on his farm in Union township, where he has now made his home for seventy- five - imuel, v 1 in Chapman town- ship, leaving two sons, Adam and George, the former a merchant and banker of Kans the latter a teacher in the Pittsburg schools; Elizabeth, who married D.
J. Heintzelman, and died at Port Trevorton. Snyder county, and
Benjamin, who was a Union soldier during the Civil war, and died in Iowa.
Near Freeburg, in Washington township, John Stahl, our subject's father, was born October 20, , and was about nine years old when he was taken by his parents to the new home in Union township, where he was reared and continued to remain for several years after attaining his majority.
At Freeburg, in 1S40, 'Squire Mohr performed a marriage ceremony which united the destinies of John Stahl and Miss Mary Shotz- berger, who was born in Chapman township, October 28, , and never attended school but about a month during her entire life, while her husband had no educational advantages. She, however, became able to read the German Bible, but was entirely unfamiliar with the English language.
Her parents were Jonathan and Catharine (Matter) Shotzberger. Her father was born September 26, , and died February 4, , while the mother was born April 3, , and died August 29, , the remains of both being interred in Keiser cemetery, Union town- ship. After his marriage John Stahl located on the old Stahl farm in Union township, which he and his brother Daniel operated for a short time, and then he rented the old Sechrist farm for three years.
At the end of that period he pur- chased a farm in Union township, where he con- tinued to make his home for many years, and where our subject was born May 19, The other children were as follows:
* NOTE *- (John Ammon Stahl should be listed here as first born son. It is possible that the writer missed him, because he had already moved West. ?)
(1) Levi Stahl, born October 16, , inter- married on July i, , with Catharine Benner, whose parents were Christian and Sarah Benner, and to them were born the following children — Hiram B.
, born January 30, , died Decem- ber 5, ; Henry, born September 20, , died December 29, ; Harvey, born Decem- ber 16, , who in went to Nebraska, was married May 6, ; and is now in partner- ship with his brother Christian, owns and oper- ates a farm in Nebraska; Mary, born March 3, 1 87 1, was but fourteen years old when her mother died, took charge of the family and helped her father raise the children, and, when all have left but one, she still remains to keep house for her father, who is a blacksmith and farmer; Christian, born July 1, , went to Nebraska in , and later became a partner in a farm with his brother Harvey, and now assists him in farming; Sarah, born August 27, , married to Benjamin Benner, and now lives at Shamokin, Penn. ; Meta, born October 1, , married to John Stauffer,and lives in Iowa; Allen, born March 1, , went to Iowa in , where he now resides.
James, born September 11, , died
November 8, ; Amnion, born December 20, 1SS0, now lives with his father in Union town- ship.
(2) William S. Stahl, born June 23, 1S44, in- termarried on September 11, , with Lydia Row, whose parents were Peter and Lydia (Fet- ter) Row, and to them were born the following children: John Keamer, born April 7, ; Annie Matilda, born April 17, ; James Franklin, born May 22, ; Jacob Peter, born February 3, ; Jonas Aaron, born March 27, 1 ; Jeremiah Melanchton, born March 31, ; and Lewis Edward, born February 15, 1S86, died August 7, 18SS; the others are all living in Penn township.
The above mentioned Annie Matilda Stahl was married on September 10, , to Oscar Herman, and they have a child, Mary Jane Herman, born March 7,
(3) Hannah Stahl, born December 19, , intermarried on July 23, , with William Krebs, and to them were born the following chil- dren: Jennie and George, who live in Delaware, and Franklin, a merchant in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania.
4 Aaron S. Stahl, born October 4, , in- termarried with Salome Martin, and to them six children were born: Charles W. intermarried with Gertie Coryell; William is a news agent at the Pennsylvania depot, Sunbury, Penn. ; Jennie, who died in infancy; Howard, Omar and Delia, all living at Sunbury, Pennsylvania.
(5) Leah J.
Stahl, born May 5, , inter- married on December 24, 1S71, with John S. Aucker, and to them were born eight chil- dren: Nora L., born July 10, , intermarried on December 24, 1S96, with Joseph M. Wal- born; Charles E. , born March 31, , on Au- gust 25, , intermarried with Kate Witmer, and to them was born a daughter, Esther Marie, on April 15, ; Rosa E.
, born May 17, , intermarried on April 4, , with George A. Foltz; Arthur E. , born February 15, ; Francis E., born March 27, ; Harry M., born March 1, ; Robert F., born June 16, ; and Earnest Guy, born December 20, 1S93; all are living in Union township.
(6) Hiram S. Stahl, born September 3, , intermarried on January 8, , with Annie Laura Miller, and to them five children were born, three of whom died in infancy, and the other two are living in Washington township with their parents — Olive Annette, born April 7, ; and Mary Cathrine, born May 3,
The mother of our subject and of the foregoing family, who was a consistent member of the Lutheran Church, died July 12, , and was buried in Keiser cemetery.
After the death of his first wife, John S sold his farm .to his son Levi, with whom he made his home for a short time and afterward lived with our subject. On November 19, , he was again married, his second union 1 with Mrs. Mary Readig, nee Bickle, who was the widow of Thomas Readig.
Doris buffett: As per sources, she was the first investor in Berkshire Hathaway. Brandi Briggs Published Fri Sep 04 Stahl, born October 4, , in- termarried with Salome Martin, and to them six children were born: Charles W. Omaha, Douglas County, NE
Mr. Stahl depart! this life January 12, , and was also laid to rest in Reiser cemetery. While not a member of any Church, he gave liberally to religious work, was a peaceful, law-abiding citizen, and a Democrat in politics. He possessed much mechanical skill.
Leila buffett biography It is possible that the writer missed him, because he had already moved West. She grew up in West Point. March 18, Login to collaborate or comment , or ask our community of genealogists a question.was a man of sound judgment and good business ability, and. as a farmer, accumulated a comfort- able competence through his own unaided effort.
A- E. S. Stahl was the eldest son, and work was plentiful upon the home farm, he was unable to attend school as much as he would have liked during his early boyhood, and at the age of eight- een could scarcely speak a word of English, his school training having been all in German.
His first teacher was John Ziegler. He was reared in much the usual manner of farmer boys, and by work in the harvest and hay fields managed to save enough money to purchase his books and pay his tuition at Freeburg Academy, which he entered April 2, [ Here he prepared him- self for teaching, and for five terms successfully followed that profession in Monroe, Penn and Union townships, Snyder county.
Leila buffett biography wikipedia Later on, she married him in Other causes of the death of Buffett 's family haven't been disclosed yet. Both he and his wife are faithful members of the Reformed Church, in which he has served as deacon and superintend- ent of the Sunday-school for several years. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.On September 27, 1S63, Mr. Stahl was united in marriage with Miss Julia Crissinger, who was born in Northumberland county, Penn., January 1, , a daughter of John and Christina A. (Wolfe) Crissinger. They began housekeeping near Fisher's school house in Penn township, where Mr. Stahl was engaged in teaching, and later lived on the Null farm in Union township.
Subsequently he operated the Hoover Mill farm in Penn township, and in purchased the farm of acres of rich land, where he still lives, buying the same of Samuel Pottiger. The log house standing upon the place continued to be his home for nearly twenty years, but in 1SS7 he replaced it by a substantial brick residence. A good barn was built in , and the other buildings are all in keeping with the neat and thrifty appearance of the place, which is regarded as one of the model farms of Union township.
Four children came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, namely: Ida G., born July 10, 18G4, is successfully engaged in teaching school; Sarah P., born October , is the wife of Frank Brown and has two children, Ida E. and Oliver R. ; J. Amnion, born January 1, , is professor of the schools at Bancroft, Neb.; and William O., born July 2 lied
Jul) "Of these, Ida G.
and J. Amnion
entered the Freeburg Academy, while Major \\ H. Dill, the best and most efficient teacher the county ever had, was principal, to whom they give the honor of having gained an education.
th hold diplomas from that institution, and permanent certificates issued by the State 1 1 partment of Education of Pennsylvania.
Both commenced teaching at the age of seventeen. Ida G. has successfully taught thirteen terms, which vocation she is engaged in now. J. Am- nion taught five terms in Pennsylvania, and in . went to Schuyler, Neb., where he taught three terms, then entered the University at Lin- coln, Neb., continued his studies two years, was then elected principal of the schools at Bancroft, N' b., where he successfully taught four terms of nine months each, and is employed for another term.
Our subject is a Democrat in politics, but is not strictly partisan, and often supports men side of his party when he considers them best fitted for the office. He has capably served as school director, and in was appointed to fill the unexpired term of D. S. Sholly as justice of the peace, to which position he has since been elected, and which he is now filling in a most creditable manner.
Both he and his wife are faithful members of the Reformed Church, in which he has served as deacon and superintend- ent of the Sunday-school for several years.
Susan alice buffett Leila was from Estonia and was a descendant of her family, whereas Howard , on the other hand, was from Omaha, Nebraska. After the death of his first wife, John S sold his farm. Add Leila's family friends, and her friends from childhood through adulthood. Born 18 Mar in Nebraska.He at one time held membership in the Grange, and also in the Odd Fellows Society, but at present he is connected with no fraternal order. An an in- fluential and public-spirited citizen, he stands deservedly high in the esteem of the entire com- munity, and is a pleasant, agreeable and hospi- table man, who keeps well informed on the lead- ing questions of the day.
" (1)
- 1. A Commemorative Biographical History of Central Pennsylvania-
- Census of Bancroft, Cuming County, Nebraska showing : "John A Stahl, Stella F, Marion, John L Barber, brother-in-law, Ford B Barber, brother-in-law"
- Census of West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska showing : "Ammon Stahl 43; Stella Stahl 36; Marion Stahl 10; Bernice Stahl 8; Leila Stahl 6; Edith Stahl 4"
- Census of West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska showing : "J Ammon Stahl 53; Stella Stahl 46; Marion Stahl 20; Bernice Stahl 17; Leila Stahl 15; Edith Stahl 13"
Page Stahl Family Book, A Trip Through History,
Ken Wise personal family research at Northumberland, Union and Snyder Counties Courthouses and Historical Societies, Familysearch, Fold3, MyHeritage, and various resources used to reinforce work and validity.
Leila buffett biography husband Leila Stahl Buffett's History: - View All. Her daughter Doris inherited her fortune, with which she created for the Sunshine Foundation. On November 19, , he was again married, his second union 1 with Mrs.A Commemorative Record of Central Pennsylvania, by J. H. Beers (Volume p. )
- Census of Bancroft, Cuming County, Nebraska showing : "John A Stahl, Stella F, Marion, John L Barber, brother-in-law, Ford B Barber, brother-in-law"
- Census of West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska showing : "Ammon Stahl 43; Stella Stahl 36; Marion Stahl 10; Bernice Stahl 8; Leila Stahl 6; Edith Stahl 4"
- Census of West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska showing : "J Ammon Stahl 53; Stella Stahl 46; Marion Stahl 20; Bernice Stahl 17; Leila Stahl 15; Edith Stahl 13"
- Census of Ward 9, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, Sheet B showing : "Howard H Buffett, 26, married at 22, NE/NE/WV, Salesman, Bonds; Leila Buffett, 25, married at 21, NE/PA/NE; Doris E Buffett, 2 2/12 NE"
Stahl Family Book, A Trip Through History,
Ken Wise personal family research at Northumberland, Union and Snyder Counties Courthouses and Historical Societies, Familysearch, Fold3, MyHeritage, and various resources used to reinforce work and validity.
A Commemorative Record of Central Pennsylvania, by J. H. Beers (Volume p. )
Rejected matches Leila Helena Stohl ()
Connections to Kings: Leila is 22 degrees from Martin King, 16 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 14 degrees from George King, 18 degrees from Philip King, 23 degrees from Truby King, 19 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 16 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 18 degrees from Amos Owens, 19 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 18 degrees from Richard Seddon, 25 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 34 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree.
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